There are so many reasons to give.

Some people want to say thank you. They’ve been fortunate, and their gift is a way to give back in a meaningful way to the community they love.

Others want to make a long-term impact, a legacy that will last beyond their lifetime.

Some want to contribute to a specific cause, such as social programs, the arts, or the natural environment.

Some people want to teach their children about the importance of philanthropy.

Others give in memory of a loved one who has passed away.

Most people give because it feels right – and good.

Whatever your reason, Quadra Island Foundation welcomes your gift.

We accept donations in any amount, and offer convenient giving options and ways to align your charitable intentions with your values, life experience and interests.

Thoughtful, committed and generous people like you can make a world of difference!

Why choose the Quadra Island Foundation?

The Quadra Island Foundation is the only local option to create an endowment fund for the benefit of the local community for generations to come.

These contributions are carefully invested for long-term financial growth. Our community-based grants committee reviews funding applications and advises the board on how best to support community projects.

The Quadra Island Foundation also collaborates with donors to create many different types of secondary endowment funds. Funds may be created in the name of the donor or in honour of someone or some initiative that holds meaning for the donor. Please contact us for sample fund agreements and more information about how to contribute.

Quadra Island Foundation also offers flexible giving options.

All donations will receive a charitable tax receipt. If you are planning a substantial charitable gift, there are several tax-smart ways to donate, such as a gift of securities that will save you the capital gains tax. Please click Plan a Gift for more information.

Donor Directed Grants

In some cases, donors direct their charitable giving through Quadra Island Foundation rather than directly contributing to a non-profit organization. This happens for a variety of reasons. For example, a larger contribution can be spread out over several years so as not to disqualify a non-profit organization from applying for other funding. It can also help a donor who wishes to remain anonymous.

Donated funds over a certain denomination can be designated to a field of interest or cause. Please visit our Donation FAQ page or contact us for more information.

To date, Quadra Island Foundation flow-through donations have supported:

Ways to Give

By Credit Card

Make a one-time or re-occurring donation online to the Quadra Island Foundation using any major credit card. Please note that an official tax receipt will only be issued under the cardholder’s name. Payment by credit card can be done through Canada Helps. This protects your private financial information.

By Cheque

Please make your cheque payable to the Quadra Island Foundation. In the case of a gift to one of our special purpose funds, please include a note with the name of the fund. Mail to:

Quadra Island Foundation
P.O. Box 402
Heriot Bay, BC
Canada V0P 1H0

Gift of Securities

You may donate stocks, bonds, mutual funds or other publicly traded securities and benefit from capital gains tax savings. You’ll receive a donation receipt for the fair market value of the securities the day they are received by the Quadra Island Foundation. Financial advisors, refer to information here.

Gift of Real Estate

Gifts of real estate can have an enormous impact on our community. Such bequests also reduce estate taxes and can minimize or eliminate a burden placed on heirs. Please refer to this CRA document for clarifications on real estate donations.

Charitable Bequest

Leaving a gift of assets through your will helps create a lasting impact, and supports causes and issues you care about for the future. You may designate a specific sum of money, or a particular asset, or a percentage or residue from your estate.

Bank E-transfer

Please email your funds through your banking institution to

Your donation is tax deductible

Donations to the Quadra Island Foundation are tax deductible. We issue tax receipts for donations over $20 unless otherwise stipulated by the donor.

Prospective donors are encouraged to contact us to discuss the full range of opportunities for charitable giving through the Quadra Island Foundation.