QIF Has Provided a $2,000 Boost to the Seniors Housing Project

Jun 25, 2021

Only months-old, the new Quadra Island Foundation (QIF) is already making a positive difference with its first designated donation of $2,000 to Quadra Seniors Housing.

QIF is here for the long term and providing anway for people and organizations to give back to the community.

Like other community foundations across Canada, QIF is a registered charity set up by volunteers to manage donations. QIF is developing a permanent endowment fund, and will distribute the proceeds to support the people, culture, and environment of our community.

QIF welcomes all donations, including bequests from estates or a portion of gains from real estate sales. Donations are eligible for income tax receipts.

How does a community foundation work? Donations can be used to develop QIF’s endowment fund or be designated for specific community interests. Donations for the endowment fund are held in trust and carefully invested, with proceeds distributed to support projects and programs that enhance the well being of our community. Designated funds will be held until the organization requests it.

Why do we need a community foundation for Quadra Island?

QIF encourages partnerships among local organizations and provides a lasting way for people to contribute financially to help preserve and enhance the unique qualities of Quadra Island – for now and into the future. This is another way to be more self-reliant and support each other during challenging times and ensure an ongoing benefit to our community.

Why give a contribution to the foundation rather than directly to an organization? QIF grants will be distributed when requested and where most helpful. In some cases, a large one-time donation can affect a not for profit organization’s ability to receive other grants and make it challenging for them to get their regular operating funds. By making a designated donation through the Quadra Island Foundation, your generosity will not jeopardize the organization’s ability to access other funds.

Interested in leaving a permanent legacy for Quadra Island? Consider making a donation or leaving part of your estate to the Quadra Island Foundation.

Find out more about making a lasting gift for the future of Quadra Island by sending an email to info@quadraislandfoundation.ca or call Michael Mascall at 250-202-1968 or Mich Hirano at 250-285-3060.

Please stay tuned for more information about how to apply for funding through QIF. Want to help another way? There’s still time to enter the logo contest!

The chosen logo will feature prominently on QIF’s letterhead and media communication as well as on the website, with a credit to For Love of Quadra

the artist and gratitude for the generous and lasting contribution to the Quadra Island Foundation. The contest is open to all visual artists of all ages.

Although only one image will be chosen, select contributions will be featured on our up-and-coming website to celebrate community involvement.

Please provide high-resolution images that are eye-catching both in colour and in black and white, and include a brief account of what you love about Quadra Island.

Deadline is July 31. For the love of Quadra, please get involved – and help preserve and celebrate our unique community!

Article published in the Discovery Islander – June, 2021 (4MB PDF)