We’re pleased to announce that thanks to the Community Prosperity Fund, Quadra Island Foundation will distribute $110,000 to support four important organizations on Quadra to address poverty reduction and social inclusion. The Community Prosperity Fund is a $25 million investment that is part of the Government of B.C.’s commitment to supporting the non-profit sector and empowering local communities to make decisions about what would most benefit them and their communities.
After careful consideration by a community-led Grants Committee, the following organizations are being funded on Quadra Island:

Quadra Circle
$54,164 was invested to fund Quadra Circle to hire a part-time Executive Director to build resiliency of this critical organization over the long-term and to support the development of new services for seniors.

Seniors Housing Society
$30,948 was invested to fund Quadra Island Seniors Housing Society to hire a part-time Executive Director to help ensure the viability and future growth of crucial affordable housing on Quadra.

$14,388 was invested to fund Quadra Island Climate Action Network to hire an Operations Coordinator to provide critical support to the many important projects that this organization is leading in the community.

Quadra Recreation Society
$10,500 was invested to fund Quadra Island Recreation Society’s Community Kitchen to purchase and install a new exhaust fan and dish sanitizer which will enable them to continue to provide their vital services in a safe and efficient way.
This investment from the BC government highlights the importance of supporting local organizations. We’re grateful to all who applied for funding and to the dedicated Grants Committee members who helped make these decisions.
Quadra Island Foundation is a public, charitable foundation created to further the well-being of the community of Quadra Island. Let’s continue to work together to create a more vibrant, resilient and thriving community.
For more information on the Community Prosperity Fund, visit the Vancouver Foundation’s website at www.vancouverfoundation.ca/grant-seekers/find-grants/community-prosperity-fund.